Friday, November 5, 2010

Visual motivation table

If you want to lose weight, you probably already know what to do. Eat less sweets and fatty food and don't forget about sport. It's easy to say, but not easy to maintain your motivation and act this way EVERY DAY. But it is essential, because you won't achieve your goal and figure of your dream if you act right only from time to time. But how to evaluate your actions right? Once again, magical words - visual motivation.
I suggest you to make a table. Think of those things that will help you to lose weight and live a healthier life.
My motivation table looks like this (you can use it like this, add, or remove something)

Make such motivation table on your computer and save it there or print it and put on your desk or fridge. Put it in the place where you'll see it every day. In the evening take green and red (/orange/pink...) markers and fill in the cells either with green marker (if you followed that rule) or with red one. This way it will be easy for you to understand, what are your weak sides and try to work on them. You will see the whole picture and hopefully it will be a great motivation for you. Visual motivation also helps you to be more organized, because for some people it is hard even to remember all those right actions you need to do every day.

If you think that it is a useful advice, sit down and think what could be in your motivation table, you also can make it for a whole month, that would be even better. And don't forget to reward yourself, if your table is green, not with cake, but with a massage, new dress, or something else you like that will make you feel better or emphasize your beauty. I hope that my suggestions will help you to achieve your goals and lose weight as fast as possible.